British Comedy Guide

my comedy smalls 2009 short listed film

Here is the Longer episode of Dave Granger which made it to the finals of the comedy smalls this year, but didn't win. Please take a look, I think it's the strongest thing we have done with the character and the concept so far.

It's called Dave Granger Hiking Holidays

Tell me what you think,
Cheers guys


Really liked it Mat.

I lol'ed at the fall near the beginning. Was that improvised when Dave tells the bird to stop mocking him?

Yeah the bird call was improvised. And I'm glad you liked the fall, I wasn't sure about it, it seemed funny when we filmed it, but I wasn't so sure when cutting it. but maybethat's cos I saw it coming.

Quote: Mat Brooks @ December 4 2009, 9:52 AM GMT

Yeah the bird call was improvised. And I'm glad you liked the fall, I wasn't sure about it, it seemed funny when we filmed it, but I wasn't so sure when cutting it. but maybethat's cos I saw it coming.

I think it was silly enough to work. Also he kept rolling, which made it funnier. :D

Falls are still funny. I laughed out loud at that bit and the kinda trip getting over the fence. I really liked the 'quick tips' as well.

Great stuff, Mat.

I'll tell dave you said thanks, not sure if I've mentioned that I don't play dave, but I do play Luke. The camera man. Dave is played by a very talented actor called craig Russell, unfortunately for him he is relatively undiscovered, I'm hoping dave Granger is what makes him famous!

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