Is there a thread for this, if not I will nominate Eli from Last Of The Summer Wine, he was a one joke character funny for about 3 episodes but overused in my opinion
Most annoying sitcom character
The whole cast of Last of the Summer Wine followed by similar for Big Top and the mother and friends in Miranda. However my over all pointless annoying presence goes to a character in a sitcom I actually liked. The Young Ones. It's Mike. Could never at the time or now see the point of him. Was he supposed to be some kind of straight man? Anyway, he was also rubbish in AbFab.
Mike just couldn't act and any lines he had that were supposed to be funny just fell flat.
A typical jobs for your mates.
The little smart-arse from (the BBC1 sitcom) My Family and I don't even watch (see left) My Family!
Quote: Leevil @ December 3 2009, 11:41 PM GMTThe little smart-arse from (the BBC1 sitcom) My Family and I don't even watch (see left) My Family!
Oh no!
Let's hope zooo doesn't see this.
I do believe Mike was my favourite character from the Young Ones! Thought he was fab.
Mike wasn't my favourite character, but thought he was necessary as a contrast to the others.
Not the best actor, I agree.
I've never been a fan of Endora in Bewitched.
Yeah I pretty much concur there, although put her in any of her characters' garb and she'd still be one of the most annoying.

I'll think of more then make a final decison.
The Giggle-O has obviously forgotten about Daphne's Cockney Manc brother.
Other annoying characters -
Captain Darling - Blackadder Goes Forth
Krtyen - Red Dwarf
Twist - Spaced
And I'm going to assume most of Gavin and Stacey - I've only seen bits on adverts and I hate all of them from that alone.
I'm very intrigued with the bottom one. Who is she please, and why haven't I seen this sitcom?
Ah, I'm now guessing it's League of Gentleman?? I will get to see it oneday.
Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ December 4 2009, 12:09 AM GMTI'm very intrigued with the bottom one. Who is she please, and why haven't I seen this sitcom?
How Not to Live Your Life, Leila Hoffman. She plays Mrs Treacher.
Ah yes Mr Carpark, he was absolutley shit, too! But Daphne ruined Frasier for a significantly longer period of time so she wins, or loses.
Ah, that's that show is it? Interesting.
Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ December 3 2009, 11:44 PM GMTI do believe Mike was my favourite character from the Young Ones! Thought he was fab.
Mike was my favourite as well