Friday 8th January 2010 2:05am [Edited]
Near my beloved Black Country in Wolverhampton
13,416 posts
Right, let's not appear a bunch of ignorant pricks here.
Let's do what Johnny Oxford would do and break it down. So,
Zeitgeist (film company)
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Zeitgeist ApS is a Danish independent film production company created in 1997 by producer Søren Juul Petersen.
It has produced a number of fairly successful, award-winning theatrical feature films.
Although closely associated with Lars von Trier's Zentropa, Zeitgeist remains one of Denmark's very few independent film companies.
OK so far?
Right, Now a quick Google search doesn't come up with the word 'prioritser' as a person although there are some uses as computer programmes. So let's assume it's a person that prioritses things.
prioritize, prioritise
vb (tr)
1. to arrange (items to be attended to) in order of their relative importance
2. to give priority to or establish as a priority
So, what do we have?
Someone who watches the films of a Danish film company in a particular order according to how important they are to them.
Now, what were we talking about?