Hi. This a video link rather than a written thing (sorry if this is the wrong place to post it, I wasn't sure). It's something I did very roughly about 6 months ago as an idea - about half people I spoke to loved it, the other half hated it. I was thinking of revisiting this character and improving on what I'd put down half a year ago but I want to see how many people actually find it funny before I put more effort in!
I've linked to the second "Vlog" because it's the one that came out best. These were improvisational, nothing was ever written down, so some came out well and others didn't. Basically, the story so far is just that this girl "Sam Nichols" is bullied at work and has a crush on the colleague that always sticks up for her. She ends "Vlog 1" by deciding to ask him out and this vlog is about what happened when she did so.
Sorry if some of the words aren't as clear as they could be! I did this so quickly and sketchily, on the video setting of a stills-camera! It really needs re-done.