A new Foster's home for lame over extended puns.
1 Race Invaders.
You play Nick Griffin and must shoot down (or offer voluntary repatriation) to rows and rows of economic migrants. Bonus points for shooting Bonnie Greer as she flys across the top row shouting "2 2 fascist"
2 Call of Booty.
Like Call of Duty but set in that part of town where sweaty men keep stopping to ask grannies in miniskirts for directions (who then get in their car and suck their cocks).
3 Jonathon Kingdom Hearts.
Who will help save the magical kingdom with Mickey? Jonathon King will if he'll only stop offering to make Pinochio's nose grow.
4 Slack Man
Eat dots? Sorry man I'm on incapacity and I've got a note from my Dr.
Beat that lot you rebels!