British Comedy Guide

What Have You Ever Won? Page 3

I'm going to need a photo of you in that nudie suit, Dan.

When I was 21 I won two first class flights to Vegas with a week's stay in the Stratosphere hotel, tickets to see an Elvis impersonator and a helicopter ride through the Grand Canyon. That was alright.

Quote: David Bussell @ November 17 2009, 2:02 PM GMT

When I was 21 I won two first class flights to Vegas with a week's stay in the Stratosphere hotel, tickets to see an Elvis impersonator and a helicopter ride through the Grand Canyon. That was alright.

Everything but the Stratosphere sounds like fun. Bad/dodgy location.

Quote: DaButt @ November 17 2009, 2:05 PM GMT

Everything but the Stratosphere sounds like fun. Bad/dodgy location.

Hey, the rollercoaster and the big shot at the top were great! (comped too)

You're right, the location wasn't ideal though.

Quote: David Bussell @ November 17 2009, 2:06 PM GMT

Hey, the rollercoaster and the big shot at the top were great! (comped too)

You're right, the location wasn't ideal though.

I can barely stand looking over the edge of the observation deck, so the rides are out of the question.

The Strat straddles the border between the safe confines of the Las Vegas Strip and the part of Las Vegas that you wouldn't want to walk alone at night. Great view from the top, however.

Quote: DaButt @ November 17 2009, 2:11 PM GMT

The Strat straddles the border between the safe confines of the Las Vegas Strip and the part of Las Vegas that you wouldn't want to walk alone at night.

That's kind of what I liked about it - one foot in the muck.

I once won a pie. It was delicious and blueberry filled. mmmmmm...pieeee

A few years ago I crashed someone else's Christmas works do at a pub. They were having a pool competition which I won hands down.

The prize was an iPod Nano which I gave to a female school teacher at the pub and told her to auction it off to her students for charity.

If you really want to piss off 'the suits' - crash their party, drink their free booze, beat them at the crucible of manhood that is the pool table and then give the prize away to charity so the chicks think you're caring.


I think that would piss off just about anyone including 'the suits'.

Quote: Curt @ November 17 2009, 2:25 PM GMT

I think that would piss off just about anyone including 'the suits'.

It really pissed off my mates, as I wouldn't shut up about it for weeks after.

As hard as it might sound to believe, I can be a real dick sometimes.

I had a really long winded joke response to your message but I feared the retribution it would entail. I think that alone stands a testimonial to your reputation sir. bravo.

Quote: EllieJP @ November 17 2009, 1:44 PM GMT

You won your face?

Where else would he have got it from eh? :P

I won the heart of a nation, when my dog-ugly face appeared on Britain's Got Talent... oh, wait that was Susan Boyle. Errr

Quote: Slippery Jack @ November 17 2009, 11:44 AM GMT

Wow! That's a damn good prize . . .

I was runner up in this:

Nice! Won't let me watch first place though . . .

Quote: Slippery Jack @ November 17 2009, 2:59 PM GMT

Nice! Won't let me watch first place though . . .

The one that won? Don't bother watching that, it's crap. Mine were much better... Unimpressed


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