Removed by author while author remains able to remove it.
Removed by author while author remains able to remove it.
Excellent. I initially thought that the end should be at the handover of the baby but, on quick reflection, I think that the legging it is a nice toopper. It adds a somehow Pythonesque feel for me...which is a good thing.
Nice. Easy to imagine as a Keaton, Chaplin, or even a Marx Brothers' skit. Wonder what would exit if a baby entered that shop?
Wonder what would exit if (the band) Ten Years After entered that shop?
That's top stuff Roodeye. Such a simple idea but really works for me.
Brill. Really simple and funny.
Great, as above particularly liked the police-boy running away ending.
Liking this very much Roodeye. Not much else to say, but the use of the silent setting is where this idea comes to life - as it allows the reader to picture exactly what you're aiming for.
Thanks, guys.
It's the way I tell 'em.
Very, very good.
Only just read this.
Very nice indeed.