British Comedy Guide

Stupid Dick


Did you hear about Rich? He was meant to be fishing with Rod, but he was caught by Annette, smoking herb with Rosemary and Basil. Problem was, he'd brought Charlie along and when old Bill arrived, he ran. Doug helped him go underground and found him a safe house with Stan, Pat and Russell. Stanley gave him a knife and he took that little shit Pat hostage. Old Bill rushed in when Russell made a noise and he was nicked!


Stupid Dick

My God this is shit and I can't delete. Please can a mod delete this load of garbage


I think it's clever

It's nice little word play. Not great, but something that could be developed into a nice little Ronnie Corbett style monologue.

It's not good, really. It isn't enough for a sketch, would be a bad section of dialogue from a sitcom and would make for a very cheesy joke. But judging from your own comments you know that already, so that's a good sign.

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