This sketch is another for a sketch show played by kids aged 9 - 11.
I wanted to write some educational type stuff.
This was for an after school club. They were studying the Victorians :
ALEXANDER : Ladies and Gentlemen, You all know me, I am the great inventor Alexander Graham Bell. What you are about to witness is my latest amazing invention. I call it a telephone. It will revolutionise the way we communicate. Please observe. (He speaks into the old trumpet of the telephone)
"Mr. Watson--come here--I want to see you."
The screen splits to see Mr Watson answering his phone.
Mr Watson : Hello ?
Mr Watson : Who is this ?
ALEXANDER : Its me Mr Bell. (pause) Who did you think it was. This is the first telephone call ever. Theres only me and you with telephones.
Mr Watson : Oooh I was just thinking of you what a coincidence. Listen Alex, could you call me back later, I'm just having my tea.
ALEXANDER : What? No I can't call you back.
Mr Watson : Is this costing you?
ALEXANDER : Pardon ?
Mr Watson : Because I get free landline calls and i've put you on my friends and family list.
ALEXANDER : (Embarrassed) Mr Watson can you hear me?
Mr Watson : Yes, yes I can, but it's a bad line. You should move to Vodaphone. They've got a great deal on at the moment.
ALEXANDER : Very good. That's proven that my invention works. You may hang up now Mr Watson.
Mr Watson : No you hang up.
ALEXANDER : No you hang up
Mr Watson : No you hang up ……etc