British Comedy Guide

Things you like, but know you shouldn't really... Page 37

I've always took it as to reply to the last postee, regardless of who it is and I'm sure most other people on here do the same.

The only possible way I can think of a clique being visible, is when people create jokes, lists and threads which include certain BCG members, more than others. If you're not included in that list, you may feel left out?

I certainly haven't seen a psychical example of cliques roaming the BCG corridors like packs of Cheerleaders and Jocks, intimidating the less fortunate members.

This place exists by it's members. All of us on here, contribute to create what kind of board this is, if you don't like it; as Aaron often says; "Quit whining and go". It's just a message board, not something that should be taken so personally.

Anyway, I wish Dolly best of luck and hope she does return. I'd like to think that we were board-buddies and I'd be very sad not to share a gardening/cooking tip with her again.

Quote: DaButt @ November 11 2009, 1:50 AM GMT

I hang around here in hopes that I'll get the occasional avatar sniffing, but nobody seems to like me. New aftershave and deodorant, perhaps?

The cartoon of an overly-muscular baby might have something to do with it.

Quote: Aaron @ November 11 2009, 1:35 PM GMT

The cartoon of an overly-muscular baby might have something to do with it.

Ok, I've changed it to something that's sure to set your heart aflutter.

I'm my own cool group. Cool

Quote: Aaron @ November 11 2009, 1:35 PM GMT

The cartoon of an overly-muscular baby might have something to do with it.


Quote: DaButt @ November 11 2009, 1:42 PM GMT

Ok, I've changed it to something that's sure to set your heart aflutter.

You may now join my one man clique.

Quote: DaButt @ November 11 2009, 1:42 PM GMT

Ok, I've changed it to something that's sure to set your heart aflutter.

Yay! One of my favourite philanthropists!

Leevil be not proud.

Quote: EllieJP @ November 11 2009, 10:04 AM GMT

There is certainly no "clique"

There's at least one, maybe two or three.

Quote: EllieJP @ November 11 2009, 10:04 AM GMT

...but maybe members who post more, have met in real life, or have been around a long time (I've been typing on the forums nearly 3 years), have a stronger familiarity and maybe "in" jokes due to knowing each other better than others, but it is certainly not designed to make others feel alienated.

Um. Isn't that exactly what a clique is?

Quote: Aaron @ November 11 2009, 1:46 PM GMT

There's at least one, maybe two or three.

Am I in one? I hope so. :(

Quote: chipolata @ November 11 2009, 11:24 AM GMT

Maybe at this years BCG Awards you could start the Aaron FWIW Prize for Poster's He Quite Likes?

Oooh, pick me! Pick me!

With that use of an apostrophe, not bloody likely. Unimpressed

Quote: Aaron @ November 11 2009, 1:47 PM GMT

With that use of an apostrophe, not bloody likely. Unimpressed

Laughing out loud

Quote: sootyj @ November 11 2009, 1:45 PM GMT

Leevil be not proud.

I always knew that Travis was trouble. Rolling eyes

Quote: DaButt @ November 11 2009, 1:42 PM GMT

Ok, I've changed it to something that's sure to set your heart aflutter.

:D Lovey

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ November 11 2009, 8:33 AM GMT

I came back to read PMs and saw this.

Sorry, I have to respond. My feelings about things on here are nothing to do with other things going on in my life. I'm actually feeling pretty good at the moment. I am always somone who will express their take on things - whether that will make them popular or not. Some people don't like this, but I've also got lots of good loyal people around me in 'real life' that actually like that about me. :)

Neither am I being paranoid about there being a clique - as other posters feel this too, but feel less able to express this as I've said before. I hope they will use this chance to say so! If you can't see the big love-ins that go on - then you should have gone to Specsavers! (sorry, crap joke). Or maybe it's just one big shared hallucination! People in the clique say it doesn't exist, those out of it can see it. As an example you only have to read the Christmas meet-up thread to see that at least two other people here feel they're not in the in-crowd. Maybe they're just mentally ill like me, or maybe they have a valid point that no one wants to admit!

Some people amongst the clique are quite rude, overtly or not, but are allowed to be so; they quickly gang up if one of their member is in anyway insulted. I haven't taken a 'superior line' but would like to add weight to my case but pointing out that I have more life experience then many people here - given my age and things that have happened to me. I may have agreed with some of the things they think when I was in my 20s too. I use this - and being a parent - just as people use their education, profession or own personal experience to state their case.

Personally I did take offence at Ruby's "please don't take offence" post - I'm sure lots of people can see why I would be offended and I'd be grateful if they could say so here, so at least I don't get accused of being paranoid. It's not fair to have one's personal problems used as a reason why they might not agree or be happy somewhere - these are my rational and sober thoughts.

I certainly changed on becoming a parent, from becoming more sensitive to images of violence to caring more about the future of the planet. I've heard other parents say so too. If you don't believe people do, then fine - and I don't think being a parent makes someone's points more valid (unless it's about parenting!) - as someone who struggled very hard to become a parent over a long time and almost nearly wasn't, I don't think parents are 'better' than people who aren't.

I don't see there being a conspiracy against me at all; but a feeling that there is an 'us' and 'we' (Ruby used that phrase herself), with a core of people who take over. I don't mind about don rushmore's bitchy little comments, Lime500's weirdness and Renegade's sexist act at all, there's other ways that people are excluded. I am misunderstood by some people quite clearly and so for those reasons I'm declinging to take part anymore.

PS I will probably be at the meet-up. I prefer to interact with people face to face anyway.

Okay I am really sorry to do this but now you have pushed my buttons and trust me that is normally hard to do.

How dare you speak about me in such a shitty way. I have done nothing but try and be nice to you and understanding. I have been standing up for you to everyone who has talked to me about you and it has been a lot and I have been so very worried about you feeling left out and hurt and the way I saw it I could see you slowly unravealing over the internet which is not a good place to do so if you ask people on here like Tim who felt a backlash in doing so.

I stepped in and said something because I, your concerned friend, saw the damage taking place and I'll be honest, you have been unfair on a lot of people. If I had not said something, it would have been someone else who wasn't concerned for you, who would have ripped you to shreds and as your friend as well as being a friend to many people here was not going to allow you to destroy yourself publically and take people here who have done nothing wrong down with you.

I now get this is a total waste of time. I am not a cruel person by nature and I hate to hurt so the fact you have driven me into such a rage to say this has me in tears but you have to be the most selfish self aborbed person I have ever had the misforture to ever offer my friendship. I am not cliquely. I know damn well what it is like to truely be bullied and isolated for something you can't help being and I would personally never do this to anyone else so with the greatest respect back off and take both your feet out of your mouth and think about what you say to others. I hope in the future, you at least have the good grace never to treat anyone else this way before you become so bitter, you have pushed everyone anyway.

Please don't bother contacting me again. I lose my temper very rarely like this and I make it a rule if you can push me that far, I want nothing to do with you.

I am sorry to everyone here who feels they have been dragged into this and are hurt by my words and Aaron and Mark, if you want to take any actions against me go ahead because I will not want to be on a site that brings the worst out of me.

Take care all.

Poor Jude never intended for any of this. This is for her Hug Unless she did?! She is one of those pirate folk after all!

Here's one for Rubes as well: Hug

Now, let's have a cup o' tea and chat about comedy or what we had for lunch or what we're sitting on, y'know, like the good ole days.

Quote: SlagA @ November 11 2009, 12:28 PM GMT

That vid? Finally, a man who can dance as bad as Kim Wilde. Laughing out loud

In that TOTP appearance she moves like the corpse of Marilyn Monroe on a reanimator's operating table. At 2:20 you can see the moment he ramps up the electricity.

I'd like to see her dance to this!


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