Anyone have any ideas on how we could improve this one?
F/Xoor opens and closes, bell rings
GEORGE:Ah, hello madam, how are you today?
SUSAN:Not happy.
GEORGEh dear. What's the problem?
SUSAN:It's this family portrait we sat for last week. It's awful.
GEORGEh, I wouldn't say that.
SUSAN:You can't even see our faces.
GEORGE:Yes, it was the best I could do in the circumstances.
SUSAN:It was posed in a studio. You're meant to be a professional.
GEORGE:Is that your family in the car outside?
GEORGEof! No offence, but they are frightfully ugly. The photo's much better without them.
SUSAN:Well, I'd like a refund.
GEORGE:I don't blame you. Oh sorry, did you mean for the pictures? Now, now, let's see if we can work this out. How about another sitting?
SUSAN:I really don't think so.
GEORGE:I assure you it will be much better than last time. We could face them away from the camera; that might be a little more palatable.
GEORGE:How about some kind of bagging solution?
GEORGE:I could replace you husband and kids with more aesthetically pleasing models. (BEAT) Here.
SUSAN:What's that?
GEORGE:It's an artist's impression of how it would look if you weren't all so tremendously unattractive. I think you may find Valentino particularly to your taste. Quite the ladies man too, I hear. Very low standards indeed.
F/Xoor opens
SUSAN:Good day.
F/Xoor slams shut, bells jangle
F/Xoor opens and closes, bell rings
SUSAN:Actually, could I just take the husband?