A priest knocks on the door of a family home.
A woman runs down the stairs buttoning up her top, looking somewhat red in the face.
She opens the door.
Priest : Hello there Carole. Not a bad time is it?
Woman : No Father. Come in. Malcom Father O Mally is here.
Grunt from upstairs and man jumps out of bed and comes down stairs.
Man: Hello Father.
Priest: Malcom. Sorry to disturb you my good man, but as verger of the church I've got a couple of issues to discuss.
Woman: You weren't disturbing father. He suffers from premature ejaculation. We'd finished. Cup of tea?
Man : Thank you Carole. I don't think Father O Mally is interested.
Priest: I can always come back another time.
Woman: No Father. Malcom's brother will be round in a little while anyway.
Priest: I see.
Woman: It wouldn't have been good for Brian to catch us having a threesome with his wife would it Father?