Quote: zooo @ March 5 2012, 5:22 PM GMT
With her pretty face, slim body, long legs and long blonde hair?
Alright, maybe not unconventional but she's odd looking. Yet still fit.
Quote: zooo @ March 5 2012, 5:22 PM GMT
With her pretty face, slim body, long legs and long blonde hair?
Alright, maybe not unconventional but she's odd looking. Yet still fit.
Is the new woman playing the same part as Rory Kinnear was also good as the ex.
Your answer is here: https://www.comedy.co.uk/tv/vexed/
Here's a pic of Toby Stephens and Miranda Raison for the next series of Vexed
Quote: zooo @ March 5 2012, 5:22 PM GMT
With her pretty face, slim body, long legs and long blonde hair?
I recall seeing her as an ugly sister in a TV production of Cinderella, which does rather bring home that TV ugly is quite different from real world ugly.
Quote: Matthew Stott @ January 16 2012, 1:39 PM GMTThere's more? I thought it didn't do too well. I seem to remember lots of bad reviews,anyway.
I thought it was pretty good too, watched all of them. Although this may have been due to withdrawal symptoms from Ashes To Ashes / Life On Mars, and the fact that it had Lucy Punch in leathers.
I think it's a real shame that Lucy Punch isn't in the new series.
I liked Vexed, although I do feel it was a show reel for an American TV adaptation - you know, for a company which had the money to make more than three episodes once every three years.
Quote: pio231 @ March 14 2012, 2:07 PM GMTThere is finally a release date for the DVD - 3rd September
See Amazon product listing
You can buy the DVD now from Acorn direct we've got stock now: http://www.acornmediauk.com/vexed-series-1.html
I heard on the radio yesterday that the second series of 'Vexed' should be starting on the 1st of August.
The BBC have released a clip from Series 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTUNeXvPebc
So ... caught the last 15 mins of this last night. I thought Miranda Raison was pretty good. I liked the first series so will be giving it a go.
I really enjoyed it! Was worried it might lose a lot along with the actress who left, but the new one is great too.
I only half watched, but it certainly didn't grab me. Just seemed a bit 'meh'.
It was a bit like a Murder In Surburbia plot.
Is there going to be a 3rd series of this? I thought both series 1 and 2 were good.