Hello there you.
I'm Lee, and the truth is I have never really done any writing before, but just recently it's something I decided to have a go at doing. I had a good idea for a sitcom and had some characters in my head and went on from there really.
I found this forum Googling where I could send it (I have virtually finished it already, and found the whole experience really enjoyable). I found I could send it to the BBC Writers Room, but the rest seem to require an agent (or so it would appear).
I suppose I have registered to hopefully get some good advice, read some funny stuff, and to hopefully expand on my limited knowledge in this area (which basically consists of me typing things into Google, such as 'When writing a Sitcom, what does Int/Ext mean?').
Anyway, I am here now - so I might as well press the 'Post Thread' button below.
There. I did it.