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Have I Got News For You - Series 38 (Autumn 2009)

Well, it's back again.

Decent opening show tonight, I thought. It was nice to see Martin Clunes hosting (has he guest hosted before, remind me?). Although it was a bit of a dry bit, it was good to see Ian allowed air time to explain the Ivory Coast/parliamentary reporting injunction bullshit. :)

Liked Charlie Brooker's "ghost porn" gag. :D

Quote: Tim Walker @ October 16 2009, 11:06 PM BST

It was nice to see Martin Clunes hosting (has he guest hosted before, remind me?)


I enjoyed it. Could've done with more Brooker though, who had me laughing the most.

Quote: Nil Putters @ October 16 2009, 11:09 PM BST

I enjoyed it. Could've done with more Brooker though, who had me laughing the most.

When Charlie's on the show I get the feeling that even he is slightly overawed by being there. I think he shows a deference to Ian and Paul which perhaps he wouldn't on another show, probably based on him being a genuine fan.

Yes, a good episode. I don't understand why it gets flack nowadays but each to their own. Clunes has hosted several times before, by the way Tim.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off down the Collider.

Quote: Badge @ October 16 2009, 11:15 PM BST

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off down the Collider.


Quote: Badge @ October 16 2009, 11:15 PM BST

Clunes has hosted several times before, by the way Tim.

Cheers. I think I just haven't seen a full episode where he has hosted before. (It's been said before I'm sure, but in the series that Paul took off years ago, the funniest episode by far was when Clunes & Neil Morrissey were Ian's opposing team.)

Quote: Tim Walker @ October 16 2009, 11:14 PM BST

When Charlie's on the show I get the feeling that even he is slightly overawed by being there. I think he shows a deference to Ian and Paul which perhaps he wouldn't on another show, probably based on him being a genuine fan.

He started off well but was basically then shouted down by Paul.

Quote: Badge @ October 16 2009, 11:15 PM BST

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off down the Collider.

That was very good. :D

Agreed, a funny episode, was nice to have an Ian rant and Paul was on form. Charlie Brooker's always good value for laughs.

Quote: Badge @ October 16 2009, 11:15 PM BST

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off down the Collider.


Quote: Nil Putters @ October 16 2009, 11:17 PM BST

He started off well but was basically then shouted down by Paul.

Yes, I felt that. Looked like he didn't want to push in at times.

Did Arlene say anything? I remember some "yes"s and "umm"s but that's it.

Mostly I can just remember her laughing next to Paul. Think she said something about the dancing show and recall suspenders being mentioned...was that all?

It was a good episode tonight, probably because Ian and Paul had been away from the show for a while.

I'll enjoy it while it lasts until a few weeks into the series and Ian and Paul start phoning their stuff in again.


HOST: Fill in the missing word - Harriet Harman is like blank?

IAN: Harriet Harman is like Lady Gaga.

(audience goes beserk because Hislop mentions a cultural pop reference from the last three years)

PAUL: (interupts as usual) Is it frog on the moon? Harriet Harman is like a frog on the moon. Etc., etc. (Merton milks this unfunny gag for the next 15 minutes until audience loses will to fight and is forced to laugh)

UNFUNNY POLITICIAN: Where am I and why is everyone laughing?

ME AT HOME: Oh for f**k's sake.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 17 2009, 12:12 AM BST

It was a good episode tonight, probably because Ian and Paul had been away from the show for a while.

What you mean since the last series?

I found it odd that they talked about the show being a home to ols jokes without them mentioning John Prescott once.

Quote: Tim Walker @ October 16 2009, 11:14 PM BST

I think he shows a deference to Ian and Paul which perhaps he wouldn't on another show, probably based on him being a genuine fan.

They can make for a formidable pair, perhaps he's wary of going too far with them. They treated Deayton ruthlessly, at the end of his time.

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