British Comedy Guide

Celebrity Stories

Just read this celeb story and laughed like a goon.

Oliver Reed:

"A friend used to drink in a rural Essex pub occasionally frequented by the great man. By her account he had an impressive sense of humour as you'd expect and was rarely short of a come back.

Anyway, our hero is relieving himself in the gents when a young chap sidles up at the next urinal and looks him up and down.

"That's not a very impressive one is it Oliver?" he says.

Without a pause, the actor replies.

"That may be so dear chap, but it has been inside Raquel Welch".

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

So, anyone have any celeb stories? I do but I ain't telling. And neither will anyone else probably because I daresay Aaron will lock this thread up double quick because of legal ramifications. Oh well! Just wanted to share the Olly Reed story.


Gotta love the Reed-ster.

I don't have any stories I wish to share.

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