British Comedy Guide

Absolute Pap

Morning Comedy People

Next week sees the Start of a 10 week run of podcasts leading up to Christmas

It's going to be a mix of celebrity chat and features such as Agony Anarchy (Our take on the weeks agony columns) There will also be phone wind ups, competitions and sketches.

Would really appreciate if you could have a listen to the test podcast we did a while back, to get a feel for our style of chat, give feedback and ideas if you have them


I listened to some of it Minty. You and your friend gave both confident performances, it came across to me as very naturalistic. The banter works well. I think with one of you being enthusiastic, the other one being more deadpan it would lead to a good dynamic between the pair of you.

Performance wise, very good and natural. Keep working on your material :)

It's really good stuff. Laid back and funny (always a good thing). Keep on podding (is that a word?)

Cheers chaps. It's nice to know that we seem to have a good natural style. To be fair, we don't do any real writing or preparation for the podcasts, we both keep an eye out on the news and then just talk.

This obviously has mixed results, as you can get boring bits and also possibly slanderous bits, but with a podcast, hopefully we can edit it down to something that's worth listening to

I don't gerally bump my own posts - apologies

It's just that we start recording on the series on Sunday so wondered if any of you could find time to have a little listen and let us know what is good and bad


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