Quote: Marc P @ September 8 2010, 10:56 AM BSTShouldn't that be fiancee?
It should but ugh, that word!
The rules? So someone once wrote a bit of copy for a BBC comp that said something about 6 laughs a page? So what? It's a meaningless sentence - no one can guarantee 6 laughs a page because laughs are subjective. You say you write to the rules but do you? Can you guarantee I'd laugh 6 times on every one of your pages? Of course you can't because we might have completely different ideas on what's funny. Forget the rules.
And this whole 'you have to be in' business? Yeah, to an extent I think you're right. Put it this way - you're a reader and one day two scripts land on your desk. Both equally great (subjectively speaking); one from an unknown, the other from a writer you met at a function last night who came over as smart, engaging and enthusiastic. Chances are you're going to go with the second. Is there anything wrong with that? I don't think so. It's about how that writer managed to get into the same room as that reader. People forget that 'being in' isn't always about being born into a certain privilege, it's about being the sort of person that people like. That's a skill, and not an easy one to develop, much like writing. Personally, I tend to think of them as part of the same skillset because to me making it as a writer is about more than just knocking out a good script.
I don't like to get personal in a forum debate.
Quote: bushbaby @ September 8 2010, 10:59 AM BSTI don't like to get personal in a forum debate.
Neither do I. Do you feel that I have? Or do you feel unable to respond without making it personal?
Quote: bigfella @ September 8 2010, 11:31 AM BSTAnd that is why Mr Bussell is highly likely to be a success at somepoint. From what I have seen on this site David is a "do" person. He had a great approach when it came to winning that Yobi competition, some people called it hustling, I call it taking action. He has a great approach to this new one as well - inventive. He uses Facebook to remind us of Clown Chowder. Clearly David understands that business and writing is a business, isn't JUST about the product it's ALL about the MARKETING.
Anyway this post is not about Grandma's House. Not on Topic.
That's very nice of you to say, Bigfella. I should add that I really wish writing were just about writing. I don't particularly enjoy the gladhanding side of the business - I'd much rather be just banging out comedy - but there's no denying it's a really important part of getting your name recognised. I'm badly paraphrasing an unknown source now, but it's amazing how many of these so-called 'in' or 'lucky' people worked extremely hard to be 'in' or lucky'.
Back on the subject of Grandma's House, I was just thinking how all the negative comments on here must have driven up the viewing figures. I wasn't particularly a fan of Amstell's before coming to this thread but the animosity toward the show made me curious enough to check it out. For what it's worth, judged on last night's episode alone, I enjoyed the show and I'll be watching more. Thanks, internet critics!