Jackie Smith is addressing The House of Commons.
Jackie : And I completely and utterly accept I was wrong to manipulate the system and personally gain from house flipping, bath plugs and filthy porn films. I would like to apologise!
Nick Clegg stands:
Nick: NO, I Apologise!
David Cameron stands
David : I'm the one who's apologising.
Followed by Brown
Brown: I apologise.
Milliband stands.
Milliband : I apologise.
Hauge : I apologise.
Rapidly the majority of the house rises.
MP's : I apologise!
Jackie Smith looks round and looks with pride at the support shown by the rest of the thieves, sorry MP's.
Alan Duncan MP stands.
Alan : Well I don't! I'm still on f**king rations!
Jackie: I'm sorry to hear that Alan. I'm having a dinner party tomorrow – why don't you come?
Alan: Excellent. Shall I bring a bottle?
Jackie: No. Don't bother. It's all going on expenses!
Loud hear, hears from the Commons.