British Comedy Guide

Sitcom (Com)Mission Page 55

Got the 'first half' of my feedback - was pretty scandalous to be honest. Basically just 6 pages of my script copied and pasted in with about half a page of comments. The criticism that was offered was pretty spot on mind.

Of course we quote your script back at you. How else are we point out things that do/don't work?
Thanks for saying the criticism was pretty spot on, though.

If you paid for bronze feedback you'll get feedback from 2 readers for a tenner. Each critique takes an hour or so, so you've effectively got 2 hour's work for £10.
Scandalous? When you admit it was pretty spot on?

For free feedback why don't you post your script on this forum? Click the dropdown box in the bottom right corner and choose Critique. Won't cost you a penny.

Quote: morgills1 @ January 24 2010, 1:28 PM GMT

Got the 'first half' of my feedback - was pretty scandalous to be honest. Basically just 6 pages of my script copied and pasted in with about half a page of comments. The criticism that was offered was pretty spot on mind.

It also reminded me of the utter subjectivity of it all - everyone who I've showed my script to has liked different bits, including lines I didn't even find funny at all. Everyone has seem to dislike the same characteristics, bits etc - so it's quite clear to me where I've gone wrong, which of course should stand me in good stead for the future.

I'm not whining about not getting into the 32 - my script was pretty knocked out in all honesty. And it was my first ever attempt at sitcom writing.

So yes, congrats to the 32. I won't be able to attend the finals sadly but I might try and go to a workshop one day.

Feedback is very subjective, but if everyone is saying similar things about what they don't think works, you're in a good position to fix it.

Like others on the site, I would recommend the workshop if you get chance. It's not a magic cure- all, but it does give you some perspective on how your script reads. Then you just have to get on with the hard work of actually sorting it out. Writing is re-writing, as the BBC puts it.

Speaking of which, second episode to be getting on with...

As the second ep isn't going to be performed as such, do the same constraints re sets apply I wonder?

Quote: simon wright @ January 24 2010, 3:21 PM GMT

Got the 'first half' of my feedback - was pretty scandalous to be honest. Basically just 6 pages of my script copied and pasted in with about half a page of comments. The criticism that was offered was pretty spot on mind.

Of course we quote your script back at you. How else are we point out things that do/don't work?
Thanks for saying the criticism was pretty spot on, though.

If you paid for bronze feedback you'll get feedback from 2 readers for a tenner. Each critique takes an hour or so, so you've effectively got 2 hours work for £10.
Scandalous? When you admit it was pretty spot on?

For free feedback why don't you post your script on this forum? Click the dropdown box in the bottom right corner and choose Critique. Won't cost you a penny.

Alright maybe "scandalous" was a bit harsh - a poor choice of language. Like vast swathes of my script perhaps.

And I'm not questioning the method of quoting back sections - it was merely that there wasn't exactly a huge amount of feedback provided. For what it essentially meant to be £5 worth anyway - it doesn't really look like an hour's work. But hey, what's done is done and I suppose I have no idea what I'm on about. I'm just quite tight cos I'm a post-graduate student with no money.

But yeah the criticism was spot on. It confirmed things I already thought as well as giving me food for thought...and it has given me the motivation to do a massive overhaul.

And I did post something up in critique a while back but some bloody cretins who spend all day on here started arguing about some previous problem they had with each other and it got arbitrarily closed. So I haven't ventured back.

Hi Marc

If you come up with a second episode that's better than your first episode, it would make sense to put it on, so yes, the same restraints/opportunities apply.

Cheers, Declan

Cheers Declan. :)

Quote: morgills1 @ January 24 2010, 4:11 PM GMT

And I did post something up in critique a while back but some bloody cretins who spend all day on here started arguing about some previous problem they had with each other and it got arbitrarily closed. So I haven't ventured back.

Cheers morgills1. I particularly like the 'bloody cretins who spend all day on here' remark. Very classy.

I'd like to chat more, but I'm busy writing my second episode for The Sitcom Mission. Whistling nnocently

Call us cretins by all means but to be more accurate it should be.
"Cretins who spend all day on here who's opinions I want and am upset I didn't get."

When a man watches a dog take a shit. It's the man not the dog that's the pervert.

It's a pretty accurate description.

Some people started whinging about some nonsense or other and the thread got closed down. Nothing controversial about that statement.

Quote: sootyj @ January 24 2010, 7:11 PM GMT

Call us cretins by all means but to be more accurate it should be.
"Cretins who spend all day on here who's opinions I want and am upset I didn't get."

When a man watches a dog take a shit. It's the man not the dog that's the pervert.

I was calling those people who started arguing cretins. If you weren't one of them then there's no need to throw your toys out of the pram.

I didn't enter, but It was nice to see a few BCGers get through.
So well done all & good luck.
I'll keep an eye out for when it's on, as it might be fun to pop along & see some of the scripts in action.

Quote: morgills1 @ January 24 2010, 9:11 PM GMT

It's a pretty accurate description.

I respectfully call bollocks.

Assuming you're talking about

you got a fair bit of decent critique, a lot more than some people get, before Rough Justice, who had all of 8 posts to his name before he got banned, trolled the thread into SlagA's sin bin.

Hardly "some bloody cretins who spend all day on here started arguing about some previous problem they had with each other".

It was closed through no fault of my own - which was partly due to that RoughJustice but also through other people taking umbridge at his comments etc.

Anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?

Quote: Badge @ January 24 2010, 10:14 PM GMT

Anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?

Shepherd's pie!

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ January 24 2010, 10:18 PM GMT

Shepherd's pie!

Red sky in morning
Shepherd's warning
Red sky at night
Shepherd's pie

And where does the second e go in shepherd that's what I really am thinking.

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