Saturday 3rd October 2009 9:51pm
Royal Berkshire
69,961 posts
Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ October 3 2009, 4:38 AM BST
One of New Labour's biggest reforms was changing the ratio of female to male mps. They promised more power to women and this was delivered. I have to say, personally, while some results of this change have been good ones, more funded nursery places, proper maternity leave laws and the beginning even of paternity leave laws, these positives are totally swamped by the negatives - the insidious creation of the Nanny State, a foul institution that scrutinises every little thing we do and then delivers its demeaning and patronising stance on any social issue that seems to upset these oversensitive and fastidious female ministers; the passing of more petty social laws than any govnt anywhere in the world, some that have been rightly ridiculed in the press; they have created an unhealthy fear of saying the wrong thing in public, of even thinking the wrong things, they have forced communities to accept the sudden inflood of immigrants and then dispicably label the original community as 'racist' when they complain, they have somehow elevated the crime of 'racism' to being one more evil than mass murder; they have serously damaged our own national identity and pride to the extent that many normal Brits just don't feel they're allowed to celebrate being British anymore; they have helped change the English language for the worse just because some minorities don't like some long standing words and phrases, they have seriously diminished the traditional role of the male in both the workplace and the family, they have unfairly stigmatised fathers from broken marriages and made many of them bankrupt; they have made marriage such an unattractive institution now because of the fear men have of losing everything when the marriage collapses; they have severely handicapped industry with unfair laws about maternity and flexitime for female parents and finally they have probably put paid to any future govt handing such huge legislative power over to women ever again, with their generally petty and vindictive tenure. It has been a catastrophe for Britain.
Well said that man!
If I was a woman, I'd be really insulted by these drives for women MPs and all of their pushing for equal representation. It's pure sexism. And indeed, in some cases racism. I couldn't give a shit if my MP were a black female lesbian dwarf, or a stereotypical old-Etonian white guy in his mid-/late-50s, as long as they're COMPETENT IN THE JOB.
Quote: sootyj @ October 3 2009, 12:01 PM BST
The state should be the right size. Or what do we cut? Prisons, schools, social services, the army?
And the "right size" is far smaller than it currently is. It should not interfere with our day-to-day lives. Prisons certainly don't need cutting. That's one part of the public sector that should grow - in physical terms, not financial.
Quote: sootyj @ October 3 2009, 12:01 PM BST
Doesn't anyone realise a massive beuracracy with a multi billion budget and nigh on a million employees needs a lot of managers?
But it should not be "a massive bureaucracy". Yes, of course managers are needed, but there are so many of them at so many different levels, often duplicating tasks - it's pathetic. The Labour Party's idea of employment is to bloat the public sector, creating worthless, meaningless, useless and soul-destroying jobs. Good to get people into employment, but to do so in such an artifical manner is not sustainable. As is gradually being proven.
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 3 2009, 1:03 PM BST
And let's not forget Labour's biggest exercise in money wasting frippery - devolution. Urgh.
I don't know what's happening in the Welsh Parliament, as it's never, ever on the the news - maybe they all just meet up and race cars - I honestly have no idea.
But the Scottish Parliament, dear God no. From their £400 million 'wacky funhouse' offices to sending terrorists home to parades, the Scottish Parliament seems to exist for the sole purpose of taking money out of the pockets of English taxpayers and giving it to the Scots.
Ironically, these devolved governments were set up to spread political change on a more proportionally regional level, but whenever one of the National parties comes up with a new law - the local voters all protest it, saying they prefer the established British law already in place.
I've never know a larger waste of time and resources - at least the Millennium Dome has pop concerts.
Couldn't agree with you more. Such an atrocious waste of money.
Quote: sootyj @ October 3 2009, 6:17 PM BST
Similar issues with the police. It's like the government is terrified of revolouton or something
They're not terrified of revolution. They're terrified of being shown up for the weak-on-crime, prison-wimps that they are. ASBOs? CSOs? F**k right off. What a load of f**king nonsense.
But perhaps a bigger issue today are those treacherous, short-sighted idiots across the sea. I know that the Irish have the whole "stupid drunk" stereotype, but this is a new low.