Friday 2nd October 2009 8:57pm
Royal Berkshire
69,993 posts
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 2 2009, 4:53 PM BST
Stealth taxes! A one billion percent increase in stealth taxes. From VAT to Stamp Duty to Road Tax - the Labour Government became a greedy cash sucking pig who viewed the electorate as walking cash machines.
Hardly a defining feature of 'New' Labour, that.
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 2 2009, 4:53 PM BST
They fell over massively with immigration, public-private partnerships and sent out troops into battle with poor equipment.
They sat in their plush offices watching coffins being flown back to the UK and continued to lie about our Armed Forces not being underfunded.
Quote: Nogget @ October 2 2009, 5:45 PM BST
But Mr Brown was an outspoken critic of the countries which didn't deregulate their banking. He's not solely to blame, but he's one of the ring-leaders.
And a hypocrite of absolutely epic proportions. It's probably true that personal debt would still have been overwhelming, but it's directly his fault that we - as a country - are in the shitter. His ludicrous, un-funded spending for 12 years. His selling off of gold reserves at miniscule prices. His lack of any economic ability. I was just 10 when they came to power, and even then I could see what a smokescreen his economic "success" was. I wish I'd been wrong and it hadn't been just a smokescreen. The leaves covering the massive pit to trap a bear in the woods. Bastard.
Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ October 2 2009, 5:38 PM BST
It has shafted its own grassroots people, which is pure treachery. It has brown nosed with big industries so much that they helped cause and definitely speeded up the crash in GB. It has failed to stop banking bosses taking obscene leaving salaries after breaking our economy, it failed to stop greedy businessmen destroy our last big motor manufacturer and pocket the cash. It has overseen the widenining of the gap between rich and poor, the first time this has ever happened under a 'Labour' Govnt., it has caused a severe housing shortage with its insane immigration policies, it has been partly responsible for terrorist atrocities on civilians for its ill conceived war, it has been a poodle to the European Union, who seek to destroy us, it has reneged on promises such as the referendum on the Maastricht/Lisbon treaties, it has crippled us in insane politically correct laws that not even the minorities it aims to protect agree with, it has seen crime levels rise, and moral standards decline, all this and much much more is New Labour's legacy to Great Britain. They are treacherous SCUM!
Largely agree.
Quote: sootyj @ October 2 2009, 4:03 PM BST
5 Infrastrucutre investment. More hospitals, schools and similar things. Plus renegotiated with teaching and nursing unions to keep them staffed for decades.
7 Less NHS queues and far more 24 hour modern accessible services.
Both of these would have taken place no matter who was in power.
Although their "negotiations" with the unions are hardly anything to shout about. Unless you're a Conservative on the campaign trail. 
Good things. Um. Banning smoking. Can't say I was too disappointed with banning adverts for smoking. Nothing else is springing to mind.