Lee Henman
Thursday 9th December 2010 1:20am [Edited]
5,183 posts
Just watched Skyline. Wow. What an epic pile of shit. I know the budget was only 10 million dollars but FFS - if you've got 10 million bucks to play with, at least make something interesting and original. Don't create a hybrid of The Matrix, War Of The Worlds, Independance Day, and Day Of The Triffids - minus all the good bits.
I rarely text on my mobile this late at night but I found myself clicking away in the last 20 minutes of this movie, occasionally glancing up at the screen when I heard an explosion.
Impressive effects given the budget but come on. Sci-Fi should always be story first, effects later. Not vice versa.
Shame - the previews looked really exciting.
And the ending - f**k me did they run out of reel or what? Shitus Interruptus.