Thursday 27th December 2012 4:12pm [Edited]
36,464 posts
And now I've watched LorR: Return of The King aka LorR: The Film That Kept Concluding But Still Had 2 Hours Left.
Really kept zoning out for the majority of this and it only sucked me back in by the last quarter. I actually had to Google where the f**k Frodo went in the end (I had been drinking and zoning out). I get it now and I suppose if I had listened I would've got it then.
Anyway, overall not a bad trilogy, I can see why it is popular, although I will never-ever feel the need to rewatch it and will send the DVDs back from whence they came!
"One does not simply rewatch a 12 hour film"
P.S. I still didn't understand "The Eye" and the pink Orc, were they not the same guy? And who was the guy on the Dragon? And which King actually returned because I saw loads of Kings!