Monday 21st September 2009 11:57pm [Edited]
6,604 posts
Quote: sootyj @ September 21 2009, 7:36 PM BST
1 Reading Watchmen and Sandman when everyone else read Superman.
You were a man ahead of your time sir.
Quote: sootyj @ September 21 2009, 7:36 PM BST
2 Being laughed at by the D&Ders because he played Traveller and Cthulu.
I got into an argument with the local comic book store guy about Traveller a month ago when he called it a waist time then tried to sell me hundred dollar D&D books.
Quote: sootyj @ September 21 2009, 7:36 PM BST
3 Being bullied by the special needs kids.
Quote: sootyj @ September 21 2009, 7:36 PM BST
4 When he started Startrek before it was cool.
Did you buy the trading cards too? If not you wanna buy mine? I got a hologram of Jordy yo!
Quote: sootyj @ September 21 2009, 7:36 PM BST
5 Liking David Cronenberg films when everyone else was watching Commando.
Sorry you're on your own. Give me classic Arnold over classic convoluted story lines.
Quote: sootyj @ September 21 2009, 7:36 PM BST
6 When he found out no one else thinks Trons cool.
I've yet to see Tron. I am a bad nerd aren't I? But it's not my fault! My parents were to cheap to buy a VCR. 
Quote: sootyj @ September 21 2009, 7:36 PM BST
7 When someone dumped a bucket of pigs blood over him at the school disco.
Please tell me this is just a Carrie reference and that this didn't actually happen. Because that is not kosher young man.