Captions Competition - Up for it? Page 34

'You can molest 14 year old girls without having to marry them?'
"I done wrote you a song Sir Jimmy, it's called Jailbait Rock."
Quote: Steve Sunshine @ October 10 2012, 9:04 PM BST
Hey Limey, I just can't help believing that some people have suspicious minds you know. They're telling me you're the devil in disguise - that they saw you with the little girl of my best friend - offering her a teddy bear. Im guessing therefore that you won't be lonesome tonight? Sometimes I wonder of you, you know.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ January 24 2013, 10:29 PM GMTBarber: Doing anything this weekend?
Customer: I'm planning to have a shit in the park.

Quote: swerytd @ January 25 2013, 11:46 AM GMT
Phew, that was a close shave, I thought he was heading for me nads.
"I wanna show people I'm just as sexy without the hair and beard." says Russell Brand.
Barber: "So I was singing the stray cat strut on the karaoke last night..."
Customer: "Just cut my hair you knob"
Just a short bark & sides please
The barber regretted asking him if he wanted a number two.
"Just a dachshund of aftershave and you'll be all setter"