British Comedy Guide

Captions Competition - Up for it? Page 20

Quote: sootyj @ March 10 2010, 10:45 PM GMT

RTD invades set of new Who and assaults chisel face.

Little & Large attempt to revive their careers with a slug-out for Sport Relief

Quote: Mezz @ March 10 2010, 10:44 PM GMT

" Do you know you've got a Bear Behind ? "

Laughing out loud good one.

Quote: sootyj @ March 10 2010, 10:44 PM GMT

In Victorian days even sperm were expected to wear morning dress.

Laughing out loud
That cracked me up, and when I looked back at the picture It cracked me up again.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ March 10 2010, 9:57 PM GMT

Float like a Butterball or Sting like a beanstalk


"Yes, that's quite correct - they fit one inside another. If you had the complete set they would be priceless."


Mildred agreed to Roger's request for a threesome, but if she was to going sit on Agnes' face she wanted a cushion.


The fight ended in farce after it emerged that each camp sought advantage by nobbling the opponent's dietician.


Make that two pints Dave.


Dear Abigail. Good News. I may be able to get you that handbag after all.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ March 12 2010, 9:10 PM GMT

Dear Abigail. Good News. I may be able to get you that handbag after all.

Laughing out loud

Trevor the Croc could no longer ignore the tumour on his tongue after it developed an interest in composing sonnets.

The twins were sure their trip to Roswell in the professor's weather ballon would be a truly historic occassion.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ March 12 2010, 9:10 PM GMT

These bloody Crocodile riding boots you sent me, might have been a little bit...well,unfinished.

A week later, 10,000 men marched on Washington to demand an end to Prohibition.

Quote: SlagA @ March 12 2010, 10:38 PM GMT

Unt wich one is Slagg A?


A moment on the lips, a life time of frustation.


Memo to: Northface Complaints Department. Subject: Organic sleeping bag.

Quote: AngieBaby @ March 12 2010, 11:16 PM GMT

Memo to: Northface Complaints Department. Subject: Organic sleeping bag.



Despite Trevor's best efforts the police still classified his disappearance as 'unexplained'.

"Beach Safety Award?! Denied."

Quote: AngieBaby @ March 12 2010, 11:16 PM GMT

Dear Diary I think I got my first blow job today.



Dear diary, I have to disagree with everyone when they say that "Crocs" are so comfortable

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