British Comedy Guide

The BCG lads thread... Page 14

Quote: Tuumble @ October 21 2009, 6:31 AM BST

I remember freaking my old landlady out when I played the 12" of Two Tribes circa mid-80s. The opening to the track is all siren. :)

Every few months an air raid siren exactly like that goes off for precisely one minute somewhere in my neck of the woods. It's happened for about 20 years and must put the shits up any old folk who lived through the war. Nobody seems to know where the Hell it comes from - I think it might be the chemical works testing their disaster alarm. It truly is one of the most frightening sounds ever, beaten only by Jordan's singing. The last time it happened was last Saturday and it reminded me of that excellent Frankie record. It also reminded me of the crushing sense of impending doom we lived through in the Cold Ward years.

*Pops in for a beer. Sticks hand down trousers & fiddles with cock. Talks shit about shit. Farts & asks people if they can smell that. Fans said fart air about the room until others acknowledge its odour.
Sits down on chair & continues to fondle cock. Asks if there are any crisps to go with the beer then talks more shit about shit then leaves*

There I was a fella for a few minutes. :)

Although this thread doesn't smell as nice the ladies one.
It must also be bumped so that we don't get accused of sexism

:| By whom?

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ September 18 2009, 1:59 AM BST

Crap Blowjobs -

Is there anything more disheartening then getting a girl into bed and she's rubbish at sucking dick? You know the type of thing - a couple of half-hearted licks and then a handjob with absolutely no enthusiasm whatsover. I mean, why do they even bother?

I hear ya, bro. But, a handjob from an uninterested woman is better than a handjob from my own hairy palm.

Good games today
Stoke Thumping Bolton 5-0 to reach the cup final.

Arsenal score a Penalty 8 minutes into Injury time, Liverpool equalise with a Pen 10 minutes into injury time

:D Great diversion!

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