Jew and Germans Gardening Weekly
War Veteran Masters 2009
-Remaining war veterans around the world meet up monthly for tea and paintballing. Features include interviews and pictures of veterans covered in paint.
Jew and Germans Gardening Weekly
War Veteran Masters 2009
-Remaining war veterans around the world meet up monthly for tea and paintballing. Features include interviews and pictures of veterans covered in paint.
Aryan White Dwarf
For racist war gaming geeks.
-For Hermaphrodite Magazine
Features include, one feature- Best pubs and clubs with unisex toilets.
Quote: DaButt @ September 13 2009, 2:57 AM BSTAh. So you keep the same plate forever and just affix a new tax disc each year? We tend to receive new plates (and numbers) every 5 or 6 years when the state changes the design.
Yep. Your way seems quite bizarre - and more than a little wasteful. Is it really a whole new metal or plastic licence plate as opposed to a round bit of paper?
Quote: DaButt @ September 13 2009, 2:57 AM BSTMost states issue a sticker that affixes to the plate or windshield and would hardly be seen as collectible.
Well, uh, that's kind of the point. This is why it's the "worst" magazine thread. A very, very, very niche hobby.
Magazine for Liverpudlian perverts.
Quote: Scottidog @ September 13 2009, 12:04 PM BSTMurder Mag
-Features the best Murders of the week and interviews from the prisons of your favourite serial killers. Also weekly collectable action figures of all the best murderer's from past and present.
More. Read it and you'll understand why.
Quote: Scottidog @ September 13 2009, 12:04 PM BSTMurder Mag
-Features the best Murders of the week and interviews from the prisons of your favourite serial killers. Also weekly collectable action figures of all the best murderer's from past and present.
Scary thing is, that bastard would sell!
Less. It's even worse than More.
Like More but more depressing.
All the human interest stories that interest large predatory eels.
10 ways to tell if your violent pimp is cheating on you, 7 new exiting recipes for cooking up crack.
A more honest version of More.
An even more honest version of More.
The Lady Boy.
Like the Lady but more popular in Bangkock.
Quote: bigfella @ September 13 2009, 1:22 PM BSTScary thing is, that bastard would sell!
Aren't there loads of those True Crime mags out there?
I read Hornby Magazine. In fact, I ordered a number of back issues just this morning.
Cruise Control.
Featuring the best in secluded bumming locations, all geared entirely for the shirt lifting community.
Shit on Table.
Nothing but the best shits on tables.
Crime shits.
Best shits left at crime scenes. Features weekly competitions.
German porn where all the women look like Russian shotputters.
Hey hey it's Sootyj!
The magazine of the Sootyj fanclub, very small circulation.
This week photos of Sootyj, 10 facts you didn't want to know about Sootyj and jokes about serial killing will they ever get old?
I read magazines most people have never heard of.
The RNID newsletter?