Wednesday 16th September 2009 12:39pm [Edited]
31,465 posts
I thought it was spectacularly ordinary. To me, all the great sitcoms - Fawlty Towers, Alan Partridge, Peep Show - have an audacious quality. They surprise me. They pull the rug out from under me. This did none of that. Sure, it was an aimable way to spend half an hour, and the blonde actress was easy on the eye, but I knew what was going to happen.
And on a nuts and bolts level, the writing wasn't great in terms of one-liners. None really struck me as that memorable. I liked the "kissing a tramps balls" lines but nothing else stood out. And I thought the pay-off in the Good Will Hunting gag was weak. Again, a good sitcom is choc full of juicy lines that linger in your mind. This had none.