He's incredibly slappable.
Derren Brown: Predicting the Lottery Page 2
I used to reaaaaally dislike him. He has (extremely) slowly won me over.
He obviously can't actually predict the result (or he'd just win it quietly)... but I saw it and its a great trick. It's fun trying to work out how he's done it. I think there's got to be a clue in the fact he introduced the camera at the back of the warehouse but then never used a shot from it after that?
Just to add to the trickery dickery of it all, when he repeats the Lotto numbers, his hand covers his mouth the whole time, allowing him to do a live voice over on to his prerecorded image and when he writes the numbers down, the pen strokes don't seem to go very far from the top.
Oh why am I bothering to study this second rate Paul Daniels? This kind of shit died in the musical halls about sixty billion years ago.
Ah, I used to love the music-hall, back before the war started. Dame Gertie Grungeflower and Her Singing Twat' was my particular favourite. Oh happy days! *sighs*
Quote: Tim Walker @ September 10 2009, 2:14 AM BSTAh, I used to love the music-hall, back before the war started. Dame Gertie Grungeflower and Her Singing Twat' was my particular favourite. Oh happy days! *sighs*
Yes, I used to go there with lads from the 1931 Arsenal squad - Bert McKraken, Charlie Duck, Nobby Nibble (aka The Nibbler).
Good times.
Very interesting
Yep, well as some poster alludes to on YouTube, tonight's stunt is probably only the bait to hook a larger audience, for a far more complicated and elaborate stunt. (Or not.) One of Derren's greatest abilities is that he is an absolute world-class liar.
Something about the number 2 was significant tonight it seems (though whether this is just a red herring as well remains to be seen). Fair play though, this kind of showmanship does hark back to proper "event TV".
"The BBC have a legal right to announce the lottery numbers first, before anybody else does. So because of that, I can't show you the numbers until just after the lottery has been announced, if that makes sense."
What a gyp! I can also show you the winning numbers just after the BBC has announced them. Surely it's not illegal for a magician (or anyone else not on Camelot's payroll) to announce his prediction before the numbers are announced? Is Britain getting dumber?
I f**king hate magic. Just wanted to make that perfectly clear.
Now I haven't seen this I only saw the promo.
But it would make logical sense there is probably a video time delay of a few seconds (if not less), with something indicating what the number is, morse code device tapping his leg?
But the trick here is there MUST be a time delay.
The trick is straightforward: He waited until after the BBC had broadcast the winning numbers to reveal his own set of numbers. Surprise, surprise, they matched. If he had shown his set of numbers a full minute BEFORE the BBC broadcast, well that would have been magic. But he claimed he could not do so because of legal reasons, which is absolute tosh. As far as I'm aware, there's no law against broadcasting a prediction. I used to share a flat with a magician/con-man, who often said that apart from quick hands and good preparation, the most important thing for a magician is the patter. In other words, convince gullible people with bullshit. In this case: lie that you're not legally allowed to reveal your predicted set of numbers before the broadcast. And lie that it has taken an entire year of your life to work out the split screen trick to seamlessly get the balls with the right numbers in place.
I wondered if he'd recorded every permutation but (as he went for numerical order) that would be 6/49 x 5/48 etc nearly 14 million I think. Maybe he had to do a few for some reason still though. Be interesting to see how he did it (if he tells the truth).
I <3 DB
ps Ken I think we're all agreed it was a trick - revealing them after for some made up reason - but it's how that's not obvious yet!
I always doubted his powers after he came out as gay, after calling his up and coming tour "Derren Brown Mind Bender!"
I bet he had to pay for all the posters they had to change.
Quote: Jane P @ September 10 2009, 8:17 AM BSTBe interesting to see how he did it (if he tells the truth).
The BBC broadcast all of the numbers. Wobble, wobble, wobble goes Derren's camera. Pause and patter and wait for the bonus ball, oh no, that doesn't matter does it (though it gives an off-camera assistant a bit more time to put the right balls in sequence), more wobbling of the camera, write down the winning numbers, then walk over and reveal the "predicted" numbers are the same.
How? Presumably some form of split screen trickery amid all that wobbling. One year of preparation and he couldn't find a cameraman without delirium tremens? Yeah, right. By the magic of split screen I watched Tom Baker walk past himself in The Armageddon Factor yesterday. And that was made back in 1978.

Camelot no doubt eagerly endorsed Derren's illusion in the hope that more people will be encouraged to part with their money.