British Comedy Guide

Derren Brown: Predicting the Lottery Page 19

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ September 14 2009, 11:19 AM BST

Yup. That's the theory a few of us put forth in earlier pages.

What, that it was all a big trick? Well done us! :)

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ September 10 2009, 2:10 AM BST

Just to add to the trickery dickery of it all, when he repeats the Lotto numbers, his hand covers his mouth the whole time, allowing him to do a live voice over on to his prerecorded image and when he writes the numbers down, the pen strokes don't seem to go very far from the top.

Oh why am I bothering to study this second rate Paul Daniels? This kind of shit died in the musical halls about sixty billion years ago.

I agree, I don't see how it was different from Paul Daniels asking if ths is your card in the sealed envelope.

My patience for illusionist is running thin as you can see the nuts and bolts and Brown's real talent is being able to pass off this corny old trick as a TV event.

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