I have a lazy writing partner and it's bugging me
Don't worry, he's that lazy, he doesn't even have an internet connection, so he won't be on here.
When we write together, it works really well. We each come up with ideas, take them away and when we next meet up we dissect what each of us have come up with, then merge it into something that we both agree works well. There's no heirachy and each of us can take the lead on a particular idea and the other is able to sit back.
My main problem is that it is always me that has to do everything. I have to organise, write up, post, produce, pay for, basically if it wasn't for me, nothing would ever get down on paper/laptop. If it was left to him, nothing would get done.
I'm aware that if we went our separate ways, each of our work would suffer (Although his more, as it would never leave his brain) I've spoken to him and this is pretty much the deal, he's not going to change. We have an agreement that if/when any of our work gets us earning decent money, I will be earning a 60/40 share
Anyone else been in this situation. Any advice