British Comedy Guide

Ken Goodwin

I was wondering what fellow BCGer's thought of Ken Goodwin. My mum is a big fan of his and this made me search him out on YouTube. The jokes he was telling were awful however, even though his act seemed very contrived, I couldn't help but laugh and laugh. He has to be one of the funniest people ever. I have Googled him but there is no record whatsoever of him doing anything since 1972. Could you older BCGers shed some light on what became of him.

Google harder: Today Ken lives in Spain and balances his time between performing in selected cabaret venues and straight acting. He appeared in the BAFTA Award winning film "Treacle" and recently returned from touring UK in the hit farce "No Sex Please, We're British". Ken has slotted this appearance at Fontilles into a quite short stay in Spain before he goes off on yet another prestigious cruise contract.

Thanks Kenneth. I honestly spend half an hour but there was just a load of links to buy his DVD. Hopefully he tours Manchester sometime. I wonder if he still keeps his idiot stage persona.

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