Would you like to see my swedes, dellas?
Do you GROW? Page 35
Not as keen on swede, but it is good for you and is nice mashed with carrot and butter.
Not quite the answer you were expecting I'm sure.
How about dem strawberries, blud?
Lovely with lots of whipped cream! I expect you have big cherries?
I love strawberries.
Although if you bite into one before it's ripe it can pretty much ruin your whole week.
I was growing a beard for a part in Game Of Thrones but decided they can take the stubble look or f**k orf. Far too itchy and horrid.
Let's have a look!
Quote: TopBanana @ August 15 2011, 8:58 PM BSTHow about dem strawberries, blud?
You're still getting strawberries? Ours finished many weeks ago. It's so late here now that even our blackberries are on the last knockings. Or is it a old photo?
Quote: dellas @ August 15 2011, 9:04 PM BST
Lovely with lots of whipped cream! I expect you have big cherries?
My cherries were very sour this year.
Quote: Nogget @ August 15 2011, 9:15 PM BSTYou're still getting strawberries? Ours finished many weeks ago. It's so late here now that even our blackberries are on the last knockings. Or is it a old photo?
I'll have strawberries until October, Nogget. Cropping period depends on the variety you choose. I have a mixture of 'everbearers' which fruit once in May, then in August and then pretty much constantly until October.
I've picked well over 10lbs this year, so far...but I do have dozens of plants.
TB Wish you lived near me I'd be straight round with a plastic bag!
What those all round croppers called, must have some.
I have a shady patch very overgrown, need to know what to pop in there, any ideas TB?
Oooh, well strawberries really need as much sun as possible to ripen. You can always plant them in window boxes or pots...?
I'll get the names of the varities for you, dellas. Can't recall them without looking at the tags I've put in
Most veg needs at least 6 hours of sun a day, TBH.
Quote: dellas @ August 15 2011, 9:24 PM BSTI have a shady patch very overgrown
Try waxing.
Quote: dellas @ August 15 2011, 9:24 PM BSTneed to know what to pop in there
My mini green house thing nearly collapsed today. Luckily I found it in time. Pepper plants are saved.
Since separating them into different pots, they're doing quite well. No big peppers yet but the plant is looking healthier.
OH dear Leevil, have you had strong wind in the valley? glad you saved your large ripe ones.