British Comedy Guide

How NOT to write sitcom. Page 3

I have been on Marc Blake's course 'How Not to Write a Sitcom'. I can honestly say it was excellent. Not only was Marc's insight incredibly helpful but also being with other like minded writers really made the whole thing come alive, err...well, I know what I mean anyway.

I went on another sitcom writing course by another well known person, which supposedly was to be fantastic, but it was so dull I was close to walking out. This, for me anyway, cemented how good Marc's course actually was.

Marc - Have you considered yet whether to do a course on plotting?

ps/ MB did not pay me for the above.

I have not shagged anyone's wife for quite a while. Sorry.

Yes - Happy to do a plotting one. Am thinking about it right now. How many would be up for it I wonder? PM me privately if you are... up for it (to save this thread going on and on)

(clear enough?)

Hello Marc.

Any tips for kicking myself up the bum?

Nothing to do with sitcom writing of course. Just for fun.

Easy: clown shoes, on back to front.

Coo. Lots of off topic posts. Healthy insults no doubt.

Here's a final call for those interested, posted in proper link form.

Dear all.
Next How NOT to write a Sitcom course is Saturday November 7th. More details on the courses page on this website (once it has been updated) or from me on

Not in Cardiff by any chance is it?

How did the Manchester one go Marc? did you get many in? Will you be doing another?

Quote: billwill @ August 25 2009, 6:04 PM BST

Most of my writing has been technical writing.. The details ARE the thing. They have to be there, totally correct and unambiguous.

Otherwise someone might press the wrong button, click the wrong icon and blow up the world..

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Or at least.. on one job I did, they might freeze and ruin £100,000 worth of fruit in a cold-room.

What was it - an aircraft hanger?

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