Love it, I can draw but using computer tools are alien??
Can you draw? Page 38
Nice lines gav.
Cheers guys
Photoshop again, but...
The Hand Of Gervais

I genuinely cannot think of a bigger waste of time than doing that. (Not the Sistine Chapel).
Just had the urge and went with it

A cartoon portrait of a comedian friend. Still learning GIMP.
Learn a vector program - bitmap's too limiting.
I'll learn one thing at a time I think.
Quote: random @ June 13 2011, 3:40 PM BSTJust had the urge and went with it
Well, I liked it.
I did too!
And I think Nat's picture looks a bit like Nil.
*looks* Bitch.
Nice Nat.
Cheers Nil & zooo
Nice one random & Nat.
I'm not one to blow my own trumpet, I prefer others to do it, but I do a very good Jackson Pollock and not the way Dave Lister does it.