British Comedy Guide

Old sketch I did

Hi guys, since I got so much support from you all with my Dave granger stuff, I'd like to see what you think of this sketch I did about a year ago,

It's an old time information film on how to commit a murder,

It's for those that like Dark Humor I guess

Quote: Mat Brooks @ August 15 2009, 1:54 AM BST

It's for those that like Dark Humor I guess

*Humour. Unless it's for the transatlantic market.

I really liked this, Mat. Accepting the limitations of your production, I think it would work really well if done professionally.

Yeah I meant Humour, sorry. I don't know why but my computer keeps giving me american spellings of things, I swear I've set it to english. Anywaythat's the problem not my dxylexic brain! Anyway, thanks for the kind words. I made this with my Z1 and a red head light and no tripod. Just was playing around making stuff with my new camera, me and my mate shot a bunch of sketches just cos we could, then we put them on YouTube, that one was my favourite. I think we get away with the crudeness of it being made, cos the look of it being old fashioned. It really covered our arses.


I thought the filming was really quite professional. I liked the overall arc of the sketch, but it maybe could do with a tighter edit.

well the jump cuts and stuff were on purpose, but I suppose it could have been a bit shorter ifthat's what you mean. It's basically a homage/rip off of those old time info films Harry Enfeild did, they were my favourite bits. Mr Chumney Warner and Grayson. Probably spelled that wrong.

Yeah, I liked the look - just thought it could have been a little shorter. It is good though.

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