Jesus and Satan are sitting in 'no man's land'. Both sitting down having a fag.
Both nod at each other.
JESUS: Alright-
SATAN: Aright.
JESUS: How's business?
SATAN: Not bad, You?
JESUS: Ah, so's quietened down a bit now though, everyone's on'll pick up again in the winter, when this pig flue thing hits hard.
SATAN: I've got a few coming in soon...Biggs, and that Lockerbie tosser. Il stick him on 'full heat' for a 100 years I reckon.
JESUS: Yeah...I would, well, you know what I mean.
SATAN: Yeah...
JESUS: I've had a few through, Goody, Robson, Patch...some good ones.
SATAN: What's the news on Jacko?
JESUS: Not sure, he's still in the waiting room, not sure what my dad's gonna do with him yet.
Running a few tests first, doesn't look good though, he's been eying up the boys off the American school bus crash from 98' for a while.
SATAN: Ah, shame.
JESUS: Yeah...still, I did like his music.
SATAN: What you?!
JESUS: Er yeah!...I don't just wank off to, I mean listen to Songs of Praise all the time you know.
SATAN: But surely you wouldn't be dancing along? You'd get your robe caught in those Sandles...and your hair. Which is getting very long by the way.
JESUS: It does need a cut to be honest, you're right.
SATAN: I'll see if I can get Nicky Clarke into a train wreck or something.
JESUS: Ah, nice one.
SATAN: See, we get on, really, don't we?
JESUS: Weelllll...I dunno, I think your alright when you're on your own, but when you're surrounded by them lot.
JESUS: Them lot over there (pointing)
Hitler, Pol Pot and Hindley are hiding behind a bush giggling- 'f**k off you long haired twat'.
JESUS: See, shouting profanities.
SATAN: Ah forget them, That Pot won't be laughing much longer, he'll be sucking my cock tonight, for a week or so, and I'll be using Hitler's Tosh as a loofer for my balls.
JESUS: You have all the fun though, I've got to pretend that I'm really happy to see people all the time. They just always say the same things!...'oooo do the water and wine the water into wine trick'...
SATAN: Ah it's not that bad. It's not all fun and games for me really, I've got Baby P's mother coming in within the next century. I'll be keeping her busy let me tell you!
JESUS: Ah yes, what's that?
SATAN: She's gonna be rimming me after I have my 'Hell hath fury Vindaloo' curry.