Here's an interesting website for all the budding novelists out there.
It's a website by HarperCollins.
You basically put up some sample chapters of your novel on your own page there and the community of writers, readers, agents, whoever, etc can rate your book, add comments, etc.
Don't worry. It's not like those crappy rating sites where the person with the most votes wins.
The people who rate your book (called Talent Spotters) also get ranked, depending on what books they rate. If a book they back does well (or gets published) they get ranked higher.
The homepage shows the top 5 Talent Spotters which in turn gives them mass exposure of their own books.
At the end of very month, HarperCollins' editors read the 5 most popular books, in the hope that some of them will be absolute gems. If so, they'll publish them properly.
Good thing is, they've put a cheat-stop in place. i.e. If an author gets to be high rated because of the most mates, but his manscript doesn't live up to the ranking, it'll be filed under B! (Bin)
So the most mates brigade never win here.