I used to have Coppit. Still have actually. A good game for young children.
They made some great games, Spears. But it's doubtful you would get kids interested in them today
As a young boy, I had a friend whose mother bought him every model toy car as soon as they were in the shop.
He had hundreds and I used to go play with them/him.
His mannerisms were that of Spoilt Bastard in the Viz comic - always swearing and cussing his mother while she doted on him.
In reflection, he was probably on the autistic scale, or 'odd as it was called then.
But anyway, one of the cars always went home in my pocket.
(yes, I'm ashamed)
Still have mine. Along with various reels - including Princess Margaret's wedding.
Quote: Billy Bunter @ 6th February 2023, 9:59 AMStill have mine. Along with various reels - including Princess Margaret's wedding.
I think they are brilliant, but the appeal would be lost on kids today.
Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 6th February 2023, 3:27 PMI think they are brilliant, but the appeal would be lost on kids today.
They're still being manufactured, but I imagine today's kids would be more interested in Virtual Reality than static 3D images.
My friend's band sells them at their online store.
Speaking of, they just announced a slew of shows in Europe:
Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 6th February 2023, 3:27 PMthe appeal would be lost on kids today.
Especially the appeal of Princess Margaret's wedding.
Well...........did you wear your Soccer jarmies in bed, when you were a sprog? And Mummy tucked you in.