British Comedy Guide

How old are you? Page 5

Quote: Leevil @ July 25 2009, 1:04 PM BST

Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years

(24 Years)

All them "years" should have been "year" shouldn't they because the word "years" means more than one so you're at least 48. Sorry. Whistling nnocently

That rule comes into effect next years.

Quote: DaButt @ July 25 2009, 2:26 AM BST

Only women lie about their ages. Along with some of the more effeminate BCG men.


As Oscar Wilde said: "One should never trust a woman who tells her real age. If she tells that, she'll tell anything."

It's a bit of a pain resetting your age on myspace every year though.

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ July 25 2009, 11:54 AM BST

Press age 30.

Press age? I used to request official ID when doing interviews, claiming I needed it to ensure I was spelling someone's name correctly - but also to get their date of birth.

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ July 25 2009, 1:58 PM BST

It's a bit of a pain resetting your age on myspace every year though.

Curiously, myspace has kept my age unchanged at 28 for years. Actually, I just checked my long neglected myspace account and my age has been updated.

Quote: Kenneth @ July 25 2009, 2:01 PM BST

Press age? I used to request official ID when doing interviews, claiming I needed it to ensure I was spelling someone's name correctly - but also to get their date of birth.

Very thorough. My interview technique was just to ask their favourite colour, neck the free booze, grab a goody bag and run back to the office and make something up.

(only joking) Whistling nnocently

Although in journalism classes I was the only person who admitted they would snoop through an interviewee's bathroom cabinet if I was at their house. :)

Quote: Kenneth @ July 25 2009, 2:06 PM BST

Curiously, myspace has kept my age unchanged at 28 for years. Actually, I just checked my long neglected myspace account and my age has been updated.

Ha, they caught you!

I haven't looked at myspace for ages.

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ July 25 2009, 2:08 PM BST

Very thorough. My interview technique was just to ask their favourite colour, neck the free booze, grab a goody bag and run back to the office and make something up.

That's still pretty much de rigueur if you write for lifestyle/tourism/fashion magazines. Endless junkets and stultifying triviality. I had thought that switching from TV journalism to tourism/lifestyle mags would mean there'd be loads of sexy birds to work with, but all it meant was there were loads of queers I had to be chummy with. Oh well, better to be the flame than the moth.

On the cusp of 36 I'm starting to wonder where all the ladies are? You know, the hordes of naive young women who are attracted to older men because of our supposed wisdom and maturity?

That young woman who writes sitcom is after you isn't she Tim?

Quote: Marc P @ July 25 2009, 3:16 PM BST

That young woman who writes sitcom is after you isn't she Tim?


Quote: Tim Walker @ July 25 2009, 3:16 PM BST


The one from Runcorn?

Quote: Tim Walker @ July 25 2009, 3:16 PM BST


Well I don't want to say her name and tip you over!


Quote: Dolly Dagger @ July 25 2009, 3:23 PM BST



Yes, Runcorn.

Thats the place.

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