British Comedy Guide

Newsjack Vox Pops

Some proper stinkers this week apologies for any pain experienced whilst reading them.


(ANGRY WOMAN) Of course it was a hoax, I mean who would believe Sting was *actually* walking on the moon?

(COCKNEY LAD) Yeah, I've been to the moon it was quality, I was walking all slow and doing a bit of golf and that…oh, hang on, no I think I was drunk.

(WELSH MAN) I was absolutely glued to my screen when they was walking on the moon. My 'ead just filled with questions, like what type of cheese *is* the moon made of?

(YOUNG DIZZY GIRL) It was amazing watching it on telly, but I thought, 'ang on why ain't Wallace and Gromit wearing space suits?' I mean, how did they breath up there?


(COCKNEY LAD) Nah, I don't fink there's a glass ceiling in my work cos I ain't got a university education but I'm still in charge of the fries *and* nugget sections.

(BRISTOLIAN MAN) Yeah, we've got a glass ceiling in our firm too; you can see all the suits walking above your head eating their lobster sandwiches.


(OLDER WOMAN) Shame that specialist swine flu website weren't set up ages ago. I mean, when I went to my doctor with flu symptoms he checked my skin for crackling and gave me apple sauce to treat it.


I think the first one is a cracker - unlucky not to be used if you ask me. There are diminishing returns after that though... :)

I have a feeling thay might have had the Sting one from quite a few people because it's just a bit of an easy jump to make from the song to event. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong.


Quote: The Giggle-o @ July 24 2009, 2:07 AM BST

I have a feeling thay might have had the Sting one from quite a few people because it's just a bit of an easy jump to make from the song to event. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong.


You could have a point. Lots of similar ones makes it difficult to use I guess.

Yeah, I guess too. I had a 'fries with that' variant in mine (see the main vox pop thread)

I liked all your moon ones btw. Wallace and Gromit made me chuckle -- thought that was the one most in the 'style of the show' (TM)


Certainly the Sting and Wallace and Gromit lines could quite easily have been on the show. In fact, they were an improvement on most of the 'moon gags' last night.

Thanks for the comments folks. Have to try harder next time, if there is a next time.

I was actually quite keen on the first and last ones there.

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