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The all-in-one consolidatory football thread Page 797

What's the betting that England only beat Slovenia by one or two goals because if they win by three or more it could lead Croatia through the back door and they are technically a better team.

"three or more"
This is England we're talking about.

Quote: Lazzard @ 25th June 2024, 9:46 AM

"three or more"
This is England we're talking about.

I know!

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 25th June 2024, 8:20 AM


England no need to try tonight, as Spain beats Albania leaving England to going through

Looking forward to watching Denmark v Serbia tonight. Should be a good game.

I think most of the England armchair supporters are the same. Obviously we want them to do well but we get some perverse pleasure when they don't.

Southgate is playing all the right players... just not necessarily in the right positions..

I'll give you that , sunshine

Paint drying springs to mind

Quote: Chappers @ 25th June 2024, 8:58 PM

I think most of the England armchair supporters are the same. Obviously we want them to do well but we get some perverse pleasure when they don't.

I'm not sure I get any perverse pleasure, I just have plenty of stoicism from past experiences
That was one of the easiest, never looked in doubt qualifications from a group I think I've ever seen, I loved it, i'd rather save the drama for Sunday
Slovenia were set up to defend and did that very well and fair play to them for qualifying

What I've enjoyed from England is the current players saying that Lineker and Shearer shouldn't be so critical of them as they've been in their shoes before
where the subtext is clearly, we have literally seen you players and your teams play far far worse than we have ever done especially in group stages and stink out tournaments from time to time, if not every time

You have that right Steve. Slovenia's plan was to defend with an occasional breakout if the opportunity arose.
They needed a draw or better to progress so stone-walled all the game.
Their plan worked but made for a frustrating and boring game.
It will be different on Sunday where 'win or out changes things.

0-0 against the Slovenia Bus Parking Company. This is the dullest football tourney I can remember and it's that EUfa's fault, they f**k everything up. There is something wrong with the format of a comp when two teams in the same group draw all their games and still qualify for the next round. It just encourages tedious 0-0s and bus parking. It's gone backwards because I clearly remember England drawing their 3 group games and not qualifying.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ 26th June 2024, 12:05 AM

What I've enjoyed from England is the current players saying that Lineker and Shearer shouldn't be so critical of them as they've been in their shoes before
where the subtext is clearly, we have literally seen you players and your teams play far far worse than we have ever done especially in group stages and stink out tournaments from time to time, if not every time

But that's bollocks what Kane said. I don't ever remember Lineker or Shearer not trying to attack and score goals and sitting back in their own half like Kane's been doing. Both players got their teams close to finals in 90s, when we played great football. We've been in decline ever since, especially after Basil Brush took over.

Always enjoy this very clever advert...................

Sums the twat up. How he ever got to be England supremo after his record in football as a player and especially coach is still unanswered. Should be a public inquiry into it.


His record for England is great

Better than Bobby Robson, Venables, Sven, Keegan

How many major finals did any of them reach?


At least he made some decent subs in the last quarter.
But he's taking bollocks about having to 'protect the youngsters'.
Palmer plays for Chelsea, week in week out - and he clearly wasn't daunted by the task in hand.
Trouble is, I sometimes feel that Southgate won't do what everyone is baying for out of some bizarre version of pride.
Or obstinacy as I call it.

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