Are you lot for real? Welbeck, Sturridge, Sterling - they all dived in this world cup. They just didn't manage to fool the ref. Diving is as prevalent among English players as it is with Johnny Foreigner. Why some people remain convinced otherwise is the real mystery.
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Quote: Badge @ 1st July 2014, 3:12 PM BSTDiving is as prevalent among English players as it is with Johnny Foreigner.
Diving is as prevalent among English players because of Johnny Foreigner. We never had this culture within our game until the Premiership drew in so many foreign players who brought their culture of cheating with them.
For some cultures, winning is everything, no matter how it's achieved. The fact that Hodgson turns a blind eye to this sort of behaviour shows just how much the rot has set in.
As with most things in life, I blame Man Utd, no other team in our domestic league has used such underhanded tactics on such a wide scale. Hmm, I wonder who Man Utd want as a new striker?
Oh well, it's not like Robben admitted to cheating or anything -
65 minutes played and still no goal against Switzerland yet...I was prepared for the worst.
Now a shot on goal by Messi...
Bye bye, World Cup!
Has anyone else noticed the pundit pass on. Where one pundit is talking but doesn't bother finishing the analysis and says the name of one of the others for them to take over.
It's a bit like making sure everyone has a go
Come on USA! Go the whole nine yards!
Unless it's a penalty then go an extra three at least
Quote: Badge @ 1st July 2014, 3:12 PM BSTAre you lot for real? Welbeck, Sturridge, Sterling - they all dived in this world cup. They just didn't manage to fool the ref. Diving is as prevalent among English players as it is with Johnny Foreigner. Why some people remain convinced otherwise is the real mystery.
Thank God. I thought it was just me on Planet Normal! Far too many verses of Land of Hope and Glory reverberating around this place.

Fellaini's playing up to his usual high standards:

They were saying on the TalkSport commentary earlier that Fellaini's an excellent player. I think they must be drunk.
I don't get this Man Utd in for Vermaelen move either. How is he a step in the right direction for the defence?
Fellaini is definitely not Screech from Saved by The Bell
Otherwise he'd be playing for USA
Case closed
Chelsea just can't let Lukaku go.
Quote: Steve Sunshine @ 1st July 2014, 9:57 PM BST
No idea what you're getting at here.
Does this explain it any better

Er - to be honest no.
Or maybe - if I knew what Zusi meant.
It's the name of the footballer underneath
He plays for USA
MU and Liverpool who are desparate for good defenders should look no further than that game last night which had the best dual display of defending and wingback play I've seen in years.
US sub right back, Vertongen great attacking wingbacks. Bezzler the centrehalf, and Belgium right back were stunning in defence as was Howard. Klingsman would be a great premiership coach too.