British Comedy Guide

Newsjack - week three one-liners

Didn't get anywhere but never mind, I'll just keep going...

ON MARGARET THATCHER OUT OF HOSPITAL: It's nice to see Margaret Thatcher coming out of hospital. I imagine she's really looking forward to getting back to her favourite hobbies - shuffling around slowly, dribbling at tory functions and having a lopsided mouth.

ON JACKO: It's sad he's dead and all but was he really the 'king of Pop'? Surely that should be R.Whites, Mr Schweppes or whoever invented Coca-Cola.

ON UNPOPULAR BIG BROTHER: It's sad to see Big Brother carrying on way past its sell-by date. Channel Four should do the decent thing and pull the plug - it's only fair for a show that's always been associated with dignity and class.

Quote: sillysausage @ July 6 2009, 3:03 PM BST

ON JACKO: It's sad he's dead and all but was he really the 'king of Pop'? Surely that should be R.Whites, Mr Schweppes or whoever invented Coca-Cola.

This one was good. The others weren't great. But as you said, keep going.

They did that one, but using Irn Bru as 'King of Pop'. So at least one person had the same idea as you.


Really? Blimey, just goes to show.

Quote: sillysausage @ July 6 2009, 3:03 PM BST

ON JACKO: It's sad he's dead and all but was he really the 'king of Pop'? Surely that should be R.Whites, Mr Schweppes or whoever invented Coca-Cola.

No Dr Pepper?

I'd guess they didn't use the Thatcher one because you're basically taking the mick out of Alzheimers (rather than her politics which would be fair game!) I doubt the BBC would use it for that reason alone, even if it was unintentional. I could be wrong of course!

The pop one was obviously a good idea but I think as in the Irn Bru one they did record you could have shortened it by just choosing one brand. Otherwise you've essentially said the joke and then are just repeating it without adding new laughs.

Hope that didn't sound over critical - all I'm really suggesting is get to the funny and get out. Hopefully you'll crack it this week as you were so close with the pop one!


No that's really good advice - many thanks for taking the time to write some feedback.

I've done another sketch about Alzheimer's this week. Will I never learn!?

Not done any vox-pops yet - doing them this afternoon to ensure MAXIMUM FRESHNESS!


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