It's a bit hackneyed this, but I thought it was worth writing. Wasn't worth recording though.
Meanwhile Murray Mania has swept across the nation like an ugly comb-over on an otherwise bald and flaky scalp. Andy Murray has proven himself to be an inspiration for numerous sulky, miserable young people locked indoors scowling blankly into the middle-distance by showing them that it's possible to be sulky and miserable outside. Such is Murray's appeal that he was recently asked to record a promotional video to encourage youngsters to take up Tennis.
Choose Tennis.
Choose practicing every day.
Choose committing yourself to working on your game and your fitness to the exclusion of everything else.
Choose going slightly mad due to practicing every day and working on your fitness to the exclusion of everything else.
Choose pouring your Lucozade into an empty can of Tennent's and sipping from it while hanging around, with your shirt off, by the training courts staring menacingly at all the other players.
Choose practicing smack-talk in-front of the mirror; like 'Hey Federer! You: Love! Me: whipping your ass!'
Choose taking yoga so you can learn how to high-five yourself after some smack-talk as you don't have any friends.
Choose preparing for your potential opponents by scrolling your finger down the tournament listings while singing 'This little piggy went to market' then slapping some slabs of pork about.
Choose talking to the strings of your racket like they're troops in the army; bark at them that they must conquer as the honour of their Queen is at stake…for added incentive dress up in a frock and tiara and proclaim yourself their Queen.
Choose howling at the moon.
Choose to urinate on all fours wherever it pleases you like the King of Beasts, the lion; human kings are but men in the toilet, I am beyond mere men.
I chose not to choose Tennis. I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got… erm, Tennis.
Oh, turns out I must have chose to choose Tennis then. That explains why I'm the person telling you to choose Tennis. If I hadn't chose to choose Tennis this confession would all have been blissfully ironic. Sometimes I'm confused by the voices in my head…they sound exactly like John McEnroe. They say 'You cannot be serious' so I try laughing hysterically and everyone around me looks frightened. I don't know why. People have told me laughter is contagious. If laughter is contagious then why don't people laugh when I pin them down and do it in their faces?
I have to go practice now. Bye.