British Comedy Guide

Did You Hear?

Did you hear about the chess player who tried to rook his bishop?

Or the chess player who never won a game? He spent too long fiddling
with his bishop.

Or the chess player who changed his clothes? He couldn't move while
he was in check.

Or the gay chess player who f**ked a queen and then lost his bishop.

I heard about one who was a Pawn Star.

Thanks for taking up the theme. Nice one.

Or the chess player who got his penis out and rubbed and stroked it until he orgasmed.

What's the joke? Is he a chess master-bater?

Quote: Stephen Birch @ July 1 2009, 11:05 AM BST

What's the joke?

I found myself wondering the same thing.

Now that you've found youself, could you help find me. I'm lost.

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