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Who has an ebook reader? Page 4

I've got the Sony ebook reader. I wouldn't pay the £200 odd quid for it but I lucked out and got one cheap on eBay (and paid for it out of the cheque from RFTP so it felt like it was free).

I love the thing. I commute about 2 hours each way every day so I get through a lot of books. Having the ebook reader means I don't have to carry round the massive book I'm reading as well as a spare one in case I finish the one I'm on.

I too have a phone which can handle pdfs etc. and a PSP which can work as an ebook reader but they're rubbish. The proper one has one of those screens which looks like printed paper. In fact I sometimes catch myself reaching up to turn the page!

I still like proper printed books, and often have one of those, in which case the ebook reader is there as my 'spare' ready for when I finish what I'm reading.

Quote: Afinkawan @ July 1 2009, 10:27 AM BST

I love the thing. I commute about 2 hours each way every day so I get through a lot of books. Having the ebook reader means I don't have to carry round the massive book I'm reading as well as a spare one in case I finish the one I'm on.

Interesting, I do get a bit sick of trying to fit books into my handbag. How big and heavy is the ebook reader though? I take loads of books on holiday, and they're often hardbacks from the library, so it could come in handy - anything to increase clothing space in the suitcase is a good thing.

What is the battery life, etc like?

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ July 1 2009, 10:35 AM BST

Interesting, I do get a bit sick of trying to fit books into my handbag. How big and heavy is the ebook reader though? I take loads of books on holiday, and they're often hardbacks from the library, so it could come in handy - anything to increase clothing space in the suitcase is a good thing.

What is the battery life, etc like?

Info here.

You can get them a little cheaper elsewhere, but I love Waterstones!

Quote: Griff @ July 1 2009, 10:38 AM BST

I'm not sure newspapers are still going in any kind of good health. Last thing I read The Times/The Sunday Times was losing a million pounds a week.

There will be less of them I guess.

I think I might put one on my birthday list.

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ July 1 2009, 10:35 AM BST

Interesting, I do get a bit sick of trying to fit books into my handbag. How big and heavy is the ebook reader though? I take loads of books on holiday, and they're often hardbacks from the library, so it could come in handy - anything to increase clothing space in the suitcase is a good thing.

What is the battery life, etc like?

It's about the same size and weight as a paperback book and the battery lasts bloody ages. I guess I do about 3 hours reading on it each day and the battery lasts about 2 weeks. A 700 page book used up 1 bar of battery power.

Quote: Afinkawan @ July 1 2009, 12:16 PM BST

It's about the same size and weight as a paperback book and the battery lasts bloody ages. I guess I do about 3 hours reading on it each day and the battery lasts about 2 weeks. A 700 page book used up 1 bar of battery power.


Quote: Griff @ July 1 2009, 10:42 AM BST

Anything free is always shit. Except this website obviously.

Nice save. Cool

Quote: Afinkawan @ July 1 2009, 12:16 PM BST

It's about the same size and weight as a paperback book and the battery lasts bloody ages. I guess I do about 3 hours reading on it each day and the battery lasts about 2 weeks. A 700 page book used up 1 bar of battery power.

IIRC, the only time it actually uses any power is when it turns the page.

Quote: Aaron @ July 1 2009, 12:49 PM BST

Nice save. Cool

IIRC, the only time it actually uses any power is when it turns the page.

Apparently so, it rates it's battery power in number of page turns.

Having said that, I did leave it untouched for about 6 weeks while I was playing PSP or reading a real book on my commute and the bateery went down to less than 1 bar. It lasted long enough to get me to work so I could recharge it on the usb lead on my work pc though.

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ July 1 2009, 11:30 AM BST

I think I might put one on my birthday list.

Cheaper here with a book voucher thrown in.

I've never seen an ebook reader, but we do have a copy of your book, Marc*, lying around the house somewhere.

*book, Marc. Geddit? Ha ha! :D

Quote: Marc P @ July 1 2009, 2:54 PM BST

Cheaper here with a book voucher thrown in.

Book token can only be used to buy two copies of Hard Evidence.


Quote: Griff @ July 1 2009, 10:42 AM BST

Anything free is always shit. Except this website obviously.

It's not free. We pay with chunks of our soul.

Quote: sexy girl @ July 1 2009, 2:56 PM BST

I've never seen an ebook reader, but we do have a copy of your book, Marc*, lying around the house somewhere.

*book, Marc. Geddit? Ha ha! :D

That's the spirit!


Is Kindle out in Britain yet? That's an ebook gadget, so I've been told.

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