British Comedy Guide

Micheal Jackson Headlines

Micheal Jackson's debt laden estate has started selling his posessions already.
Madonna has bought his children.

In a surprise move Tony Blair has been invited to speak at his funeral.
He described him as the people's paedophile.

Micheal Jackson's family has been warned that if Micheal died on the toilet with an enormous sandwich.
Elvis's estate will sue for copyright infringement.

Madonna's bought his children Laughing out loud

I only read about this an hour ago in the Metro and I already got told 2 jokes about him between the front gate and my desk.

Aparently he went to see the Vienna Boy's choir and had a stroke.

Rolf Harris has revealed that he has refused to work with Micheal Jackson. Aparently he wanted to help him do 2 little boys.

I liked 1 and 3.

On hearing of Michael Jackson's death his plastic surgeon has committed suicide.

He won't be buried, with that much plastic surgery he'll be recycled.

Quote: sootyj @ June 26 2009, 9:05 AM BST

He won't be buried, with that much plastic surgery he'll be recycled.

Into juvenile butt-plugs.

Oh great, Michael Jackson jokes.

Glad you like them.

Aparently he isn't giving to any children's charities.
His last words were "f**k the kids!"

He's asked his cremated remains be mixed with mayonnaise and thrown in McCauley Kalkin's face for old times sake.

Quote: sootyj @ June 26 2009, 9:21 AM BST

He's asked his cremated remains be mixed with mayonnaise and thrown in McCauley Kalkin's face for old times sake.

Jesus Christ Laughing out loud

Quote: sootyj @ June 26 2009, 9:21 AM BST

Glad you like them.

I think you know that isn't true Sooty.

You said great! You lied to me Stott damn you.

Aparently he was working on a film just before he died.

Honey I f**ked the kids.

Quote: sootyj @ June 26 2009, 8:40 AM BST

Micheal Jackson's debt laden estate has started selling his posessions already.
Madonna has bought his children.

In a surprise move Tony Blair has been invited to speak at his funeral.
He described him as the people's paedophile.

These are quite good. The Elvis one wasn't as good.

Wave Hi Sootyj! Thought these were good. I also heard........

Tito Jackson said - Well to be fair he had been looking pale for a while.

Uri Geller said - I'm shocked, none of us saw this coming.

Gary Glitter said - He'll be sadly missed. A role model for us all.

I believe Gary Glitter has already started bidding for Micheal Jackson's little black book.

And Hi Sofa long time no see.

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